
Vitamin C

September 22, 2021

The importance of immune health supplementation has been increasing since COVID-19 was introduced in 2020. Research continues to support the benefits of vitamin C and vitamin D, as well as zinc.

Vit C isn’t naturally produced in the body but it plays an important role in protecting cells from free radicals, which helps to support a healthy immune system. This essential nutrient improves iron absorption, lowers LDL cholesterol, and reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

Boosting immune health

Vit C is not a cure for all illnesses, but it can help to strengthen your body’s natural defenses.


Cooper Complete(r), Natural Vit C with Bioflavonoids, supports healthy immunity. Vit C, which acts as an antioxidant, protects cells against harmful molecules known as free radicals (or unstable atoms) that can cause damage to healthy cells and cause illness. The supplement’s anti-inflammatory qualities also help to reduce the body’s vulnerability to diseases.

Lowering LDL and risk of heart disease

A review of nine studies involving nearly 300,000. Participants over a period of 10 years found that those who ate 700mg of vitamin C daily had a 25% lower risk of developing heart disease than those who didn’t.

An additional analysis of 13 random controlled trials showed that those who took vitamin C supplements consistently had a significant reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) by almost 7.9 mg/dL, and blood triglycerides at 20.1 mg/dL.

Improving iron absorption

Vit C can also increase the body’s ability absorb iron. This is especially true for non-heme iron foods, which are more difficult to absorb than heme iron products. This is because iron plays a vital role in the creation of red blood cells and oxygen transport throughout the body.

The aid vitamin C provides to absorb iron from plant-based foods is particularly important for vegetarians and vegans, as meat and animal products are the primary sources of iron. Studies show that as little as 100mg of vitamin C per day can improve iron absorption by 67%. This is good news for those who are anemic and prone to iron deficiencies. A study of 65 anemia-prone children showed that vitamin C supplements helped to alleviate symptoms.

Vitamin C deficiency

A majority of Americans are not getting enough fruits and vegetables. This makes them vulnerable to vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency is more common in people who smoke and have hyperthyroidism. Vit C deficiency symptoms include bleeding gums and bruising easily.

Food sources of Vit C

Vit C is not produced naturally by the body, so supplementation and incorporating high-quality vitamin C foods are crucial for optimal levels.

Although most people are familiar with the main foods rich in vitamin A, such as citrus fruits or leafy greens and other leafy greens that are high in vit C, there are many other food sources that provide this powerful antioxidant that can be easily incorporated into one’s daily diet. Here are some practical ways to get your vitamin C in a balanced diet.


  • 3/4 cup grapefruit juice: 248 mg
  • 1 cup passionfruit: 71 mg
  • 60 mg or 1 cup mango
  • 1 cup tangerines: 52 mg
  • 1 plantain = 50 mg


  • 56 mg per cup of cauliflower
  • 45 mg for 1 cup of asparagus
  • Peas 32 mg, 1 cup
  • 1 medium sweet potato: 22 mg
  • Approx 12 mg or 1 cup onion
  • 1 cup carrots 7 mg

Vit C is not a panacea for all illnesses and diseases, but it can boost immunity and lower the chance of developing chronic disease in the future.

Cooper Clinic suggests that one should eat a balanced diet and then supplement with other foods. A well-balanced diet rich in vitamin C can boost your nutritional intake and your body’s resistance to disease.

Reminder: Your physician is the best person to understand your health. It’s important that you talk with your doctor about which supplements might be best for your needs.