
Vitamin C Benefits for Immunity

September 28, 2021

Vitamin C supplements are often taken soon enough. Once the person feels the symptoms of a cold. There are many misconceptions about vitamin C’s immunity benefits.

Research has not shown any significant benefits to taking vitamin C once symptoms of a cold have passed. Daily intake of vitamin C has shown positive results. The results show decrease in severity and frequency of minor respiratory infections like colds.

Vitamin C and Immunity

Researchers compared 29 clinical studies that included over 11,000 participants. They examined the effects of daily vitamin C consumption on cold prevention and treatment.

Research on Vitamin C for Cold Prevention

The vitamins c benefits for cold prevention seem insignificant. If it is taken daily then it does not prevent the development of colds. This is contrary to popular belief.

A subset of studies, however, focused on people who live in extreme conditions, such as skiers, marathon runners, and soldiers doing subarctic exercises. The study concluded that “evidence suggests that it could be justified for persons exposed to short periods of severe physical activity and/or cold environments.” They also found incidence of common colds with 50% reduction.

Athletes in question were limited to the studies. However, More research is needed. However, vitamin C may be a good option for cold prevention in this group.

This is in line with Dr Cooper’s research on marathoners. He found that people who exercise at 80 percent of their maximum heart rate for at least five hours per week have special vitamin requirements.

Vitamin C as a Cold Treatment Research

A high intake is a common recommendation for cold symptoms. However, numerous studies have shown that vitamin C intake after cold symptoms can be beneficial.

Simply stated: “The trials in which vitamin C was administered at the onset colds. The therapy did no benefit.” However, reactive supplementation does not seem to decrease the severity or length of the cold.

Daily supplementation for prevention was successful in reducing the severity of cold symptoms. This represented an average decrease of 14% per day in symptoms for children, while it was 8% for adults.

Cooper Complete contains these vitamin C benefits to help you reach your prevention goals. The Original (Iron Free, With Iron) has 500 mg and the Basis One has 150 mg.

Benefits for the Body

It is a water-soluble ascorbic acid that benefits the body. This benefit helps perform many important maintenance functions. It also forms collagen in bone, cartilage, and muscle, among other functions.

It can aid in the repair of bones and teeth. This helps to integrate calcium into the tissues. In addition, this vitamin aids in healing wounds by speeding up recovery and forming new tissue.

This vitamin is also important in absorbing iron so that the body can make enough red blood cells to avoid anaemia.

Foods High in Vitamin C

The body doesn’t naturally produce vitamin C. So You must get it from food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and supplements. Vitamin C benefits are not just for orange juice drinkers. Many fruits and vegetables contain high levels of vitamins.

These are some healthy foods that can provide this vitamin in a balanced diet.

  • 1/2 grapefruit: 38 mg
  • Half a cup of orange juice: 41mg
  • 1 cup tomato juice: 44 mg
  • 1/2 cup Brussels sprouts 48 mg
  • A cup OF cooked kale: 53 mg
  • One medium orange: 70 mg
  • Single cup sliced bell Pepper: 74 mg
  • Single cup chopped cooked broccoli: 74m
  • A large kiwi: 84 mg
  • One small papaya: 94mg
  • 1 cup sliced strawberries: 98m
  • 1/2 medium cantaloupe: 100 mg

Daily Intake Recommendations

The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance is 75 mg for adults. Adults aged 19 and over. The recommended daily allowance for pregnant women is 85 mg. This number increases to 120 mg. Happens when they are lactating. These numbers are based on the RDA table, which recommends that users of tobacco add 35 mg/day. Furthermore, water-soluble vitamins are soluble in water. Elimination in body if it doesn’t require them immediately.

Researchers reported in an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stark findings. When this vitamin was added to daily diets from 200 to 2,500mg. While the plasma levels rose only 12 to 15% and renal clearance increased sharply.

Additionally, higher levels of consuming it can cause the digestive tract to stop absorbing it. The net result is that once we reach a certain level, it doesn’t matter how much vitamin A we take because our blood levels of vitamin C won’t increase.

However, many Cooper Complete formulations include vitamin C. Below is a chart showing the total amount of this vitamin in the Cooper Complete line.

How Much Vitamin C is too much?

Is there any risk of taking too much vitamin A, as vitamin C is water-soluble? For both men and women, the upper intake level (UL) is 2000 mg daily. High levels of vitamin A may cause:

  • Can cause nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and headaches.
  • Risk of developing oxalate-related kidney stones, particularly in people who have had kidney stones before.
  • Tooth enamel can be damaged. If vitamin C is in a chewable or gummy tablet.
  • Device shows falsely high blood glucose results

It can increase the side effects of acetaminophen or antacids. Before taking the supplements with these prescription medications, consult your doctor.