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Three Supplements for Optimal Skin Health

September 28, 2021

Skincare lines have been selling high-end products promising younger-looking skin for decades. You can improve your skin health simply by increasing your intakes of vitamins C, E, and zeaxanthin along with supplements.

Two distinct processes can cause skin aging: natural or ‘intrinsic’ ageing, which is simply caused by time and environmental aging. Moreover, environmental aging can be influenced by lifestyle factors like smoking and environmental pollutants, which can have a significant impact on skin’s function and appearance.

The sun’s ultraviolet radiation can also cause premature skin damage. Vitamins C, E and Zeaxanthin can be found in supplements and food. Thus, it promotes healthy skin and protect against future damage.

Vitamin C for improving skin elasticity

Vitamin C is an important component of collagen production, which gives the skin structure and elasticity. Normal skin contains high levels of vitamin A, which is therefore transported into the cells via the blood vessels in its dermal layer.

This powerful antioxidant neutralizes and eliminates oxidants such as those in environmental pollutants or after exposure to UV radiation. Research shows that vitamin C levels in sun-damaged or aged skin are lower than in skin that has been excessively in expose to UV rays and pollutants.

Vitamin C supplementation:

  • Reduces UV radiation damage
  • Increases the production of fibroblasts, elastin and other skin cells.
  • Reduces the appearance and roughness of wrinkles
  • It speeds up wound healing
  • Reduces the chance of skin drying, and helps to retain moisture and hydration.

Vitamin E to counteract the effects of UV light exposure

Vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant, fights against free radicals or stressors in the environment like unprotected sun and air pollution, which can damage the skin. This essential nutrient, which is fat-soluble and has anti-inflammatory properties. Sun and UV light reduces Vitamin E levels. Vitamin E levels also decrease with age. Although both synthetic and natural forms of vitamin E are available, natural vitamin is more potent.

Your age determines the amount of vitamin E you need. The National Institutes of Health recommends that adults, teenagers, and pregnant women consume 15 mg of vitamin E per day. People living in America with healthy food have enough vitamin E. Furthermore, People with chronic conditions like Crohn’s or cystic fibrosis may require more vitamin E.

Vitamin E’s benefits include:

  • It aids in healing and moisturizing
  • Stabilizes skin’s resistance to the sun
  • It acts as an anti-inflammatory and calms and soothes dry, itchy skin
  • Increases blood vessel size, which reduces the chance of blood clots

Zeaxanthin to benefit skin color and feel

Zeaxanthin is one of the most important carotenoids (antioxidants), found in food. It gives foods and plants their distinctive yellow and red colors. In addition, zeaxanthin is present in many whole foods, including spinach, egg yolks, mustard greens and broccoli. You’re likely to be consuming enough zeaxanthin if you eat whole foods.

Zeaxanthin has many eye-health benefits.

  • Brightens and improves the overall complexion
  • To make your skin look and feel its best, it will restore dry and dull skin.
  • Protects against UV radiation damage by acting as an active protector
  • Reduce wrinkles

Eating fruits and vegetables, which often contain vitamins C and E, is a positive way to improve your skin health. Cooper Clinic suggests that you adopt a food-first philosophy and supplement with the necessary nutrients.

These vitamins can be applied topically in a variety of oils, creams, and lotions. However, their effectiveness is best when combined with a healthy diet. Cooper Complete multivitamins and Dermatologic Health contain vitamins C, E, and Zeaxanthin. Moreover, your doctor is the best person to help you determine which supplements will be best for your skin health.