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The Best Supplements for Joint Health

September 28, 2021

We get many calls and emails from people looking for joint health supplements. We talk with them about our Joint Health supplement, which can help reduce joint pain.

Supplements to Improve Joint Health

Joint Health contains chondroitin and glucosamine, along with gelatin, magnesium, and bromelain. Our product was originally designed for osteoarthritis patients. However, I often hear from people suffering from tennis elbow or other repetitive motion pains who have found relief with our joint health supplement. I recommend this product to anyone with joint pain.

Glucosamine for Better Joint Function

Glucosamine, an amino sugar, is the building block of molecules that attract and retain water in cartilage. The basis of almost all connective tissues in the body and lubricating liquids is made up of amino sugars. Even though the body can make glucosamine naturally, there may be a shortage due to injuries or aging.

Supplemental glucosamine are highly effective in treating osteoarthritis. It can effectively control pain and reverse the disease’s progression. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that glucosamine can reduce pain and improve joint function in osteoarthritis patients.

Chondroitin to Fight Joint Disease

Chondroitin Sulfate promotes water retention in cartilage. This is vital for shock absorption. It helps maintain joint viscosity and stimulates cartilage repair mechanisms.

There are changes in chondroitin in the early stages. These changes thus affect the response of the cells that make cartilage, the chondrocytes, to damage to the cartilage surrounding the joints. Orally, chondroitin can provide the necessary compounds to form healthy tissue.

Joint health supplements such as chondroitin and glucosamine are well-known. Bromelain, however, isn’t as common in joint supplements. Bromelain is an extract from the pineapple stem that acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Lifestyle changes in addition to a Joint Health Supplement

Regular exercise is effective in reducing joint pain, improve flexibility, and increase muscle strength and endurance. Exercises that reduce joint pain typically include:

  • To maintain or increase range of motion around an injured or arthritic joint, do Range-of-Motion exercises daily. You can also do Range-of-Motion exercise in the pool. Water aerobics and water walking can help relieve extra strain from your joints.
  • Strengthening Exercises- Use pf resistance training increases or maintain muscle strength in order to support and protect joints.
  • A healthy weight can help reduce the strain on joints from daily movement.

Did you know that obesity is a risk factor in Osteoarthritis. Johns Hopkins says that overweight women are at risk for knee OA by nearly four times, while overweight men are at risk by as much as five times. Additionally, each ten-pound increase in body weight can affects the knee by an additional 30-60 pounds. In order to relieve joint pain, control weight, exercise and take joint health supplements.

Before you start a new exercise program or a new dietary supplement, consult your doctor.