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Supplements for ADHD Management

September 28, 2021

Millions of Americans suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Is there a way to manage these symptoms with supplements?

ADHD symptoms can affect children as young as three years old. Although ADHD symptoms can be overcome in some cases, these symptoms are more common in children who grow up to become adults. This is an estimated 60% of ADHD adults living in the United States. Although researchers are still not sure of the causes, they mostly believes to be a genetic condition that runs in families. It is quite common for adults with the diagnosis of ADHD after the diagnosis of their child.

Researchers are looking into whether nutritional supplementation and intentional dietary changes that are useful to improve ADHD symptoms. Here are some possible ADHD supplements and what science says about their effectiveness.

Supplements for ADHD

Omega-3 for Proper Brain Development

Omega-3s are one the most researched nutrients available. There have been more than 30,000 studies that explore their benefits. Omega-3s are most well-known for their heart health benefits. However, research has shown that omega-3s can also improve brain health and cognition.

Omega-3 is useful for the treatment of ADHD, and other related conditions, based on evidence that essential fat acids promote brain development in children growing up. The results of a review of 10 random trials that involved approximately 700 children with ADHD showed that omega-3 supplementation resulted in a modest improvement in hyperactivity, attention and other symptoms. Some studies did not show consistent results. Further research to determine if omega-3s can be beneficial for ADHD.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA), currently recommends that you eat fish, especially oily fish (such a salmon, mackerel or albacore tuna), at least twice per week. The majority of American diets do not meet this recommendation. Both children and adults can benefit from omega-3 fatty acid intake. This should be a priority in your family’s diet.

Vitamin D to Help Reduce ADHD Symptoms

Vitamin D and other micronutrients are receiving more attention lately in relation to ADHD symptoms and healthy levels.

What do the most recent research tell us about vitamin D levels, ADHD symptoms, and other issues?

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study compared the effectiveness of increasing low. The use of these three tests measures severity of symptoms. Conner’s Parent Rating Scale (CPRS), ADHD rating system-IV (ADHDRS), and Weekly Parents Ratings for Evening and Morning Behaviors (WPREMB).

To determine the effectiveness of the trial, results were measured at four weeks and eight weeks. Both groups showed significant decreases in ADHD symptoms, with the best results being seen when there were fewer symptoms at night. The supplement’s vitamin D levels are a key finding from the trial. The supplement was given to children aged six to twelve years old. They were given 50 mg (2000 IU) each.

These results were accompanied by a study that measured vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate deficiencies. The findings suggest association of ADHD with vitamin D deficiency.

Cooper Complete has many options to help you increase your vitamin D levels. It can be available in our daily multivitamins as well as as a standalone supplement.

Magnesium to Support A Reduction of Reported Symptoms

Magnesium have many benefits, including heart, sleep, and bone health. Recently however it has received more attention for ADHD symptoms. Although recent research has not shown that magnesium is a cure or cause of ADHD, it has been a popular topic of research to understand magnesium’s role in ADHD symptoms.

An extensive meta-analysis of all previous research on magnesium and ADHD symptoms revealed significantly lower magnesium levels in ADHD children than in controls.

The meta-analysis also revealed some key conclusions.

  • “The serum magnesium levels of ADHD children were significantly lower that those in control subjects.”
  • “Also in the case of definite diagnosis based on DSM system, subgroup meta-analysis revealed an identical result.”
  • “We also found significantly lower magnesium levels among these children than in the controls.”

This study emphasizes the need for further research to understand this relationship. The authors mentioned that further research may be necessary to examine the behavioral impact of ADHD due to low magnesium levels.

Cooper Complete has many options available for people who want to increase or maintain their magnesium levels. The Original multivitamin provides 660 mg daily while the Basic One multivitamin contains 200 mg. Cooper Complete offers magnesium supplements in separate forms, either magnesium glycinate (or magnesium oxide) for people with specific dietary requirements.

Zinc to Help Regulate Melatonin and Fatty Acid Levels

Zinc, along with other minerals, has attracted attention to the connection between ADHD symptoms and zinc levels in the body. It is essential for healthy immunity and development of other vital functions within the body.

Recent research suggests that zinc levels may be related to ADHD symptoms reported by parents and teachers. A recent study compared ADHD symptoms scores between teachers and parents. Researchers found that Zinc levels correlated with inattention scores from parents.

These findings are supported by other research. A second review of two studies suggests that zinc needs must be managed through diet, due to the fact that our bodies don’t store it.

Zinc deficiency can lead to decreased zinc levels in an individual. This is because zinc is important in the production and control of melatonin, which is essential in ADHD pathophysiology.

Zinc can be found in food and supplements. For children aged 9-13, the recommended daily intake should not exceed 23 mg. Teens should consume no more that 34 mg per day and adults should consume no more than 40 mg each day. Here’s a complete list of zinc limits and ages.

Foods high in zinc include:

  • Higher amounts of red meat, poultry, seafood, and fortified breakfast cereals are in higher quantities per serving
  • Lower amounts of beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products are present in beans, nuts, whole grain, and dairy products.

Zinc supplements as dietary supplements are useful in maintaining optimum levels of zinc. Cooper Complete Original multivitamin and Cooper Complete Basic One multivitamin both provide 15 mg daily zinc to help ensure that zinc levels remain near their optimal levels.

All Cooper Complete multivitamins contain zinc.

Multivitamins May Help Reduce Self Reported Symptoms

ADHD treatments that include diet restriction and general supplements have been popular. Multivitamins are recommendable for adults with ADHD. The British Journal of Psychiatry published a study that followed 80 people with ADHD for eight weeks. They were given either a multivitamin (or a placebo) and monitored their progress.

The studies reports that additional micronutrients reduces hyperactivity and inattentive symptoms. Researchers also found that friends and family were able to see improvements in multivitamins users.

Even for the most popular exclusions of color additives and processed sugars, research on ADHD and modified diets shows mixed results. For optimal health, doctors highly recommend to take multivitamins daily along with balanced diet.

Melatonin For Better Sleep

Stimulant medication is often useful for conventional ADHD treatment. Supplemental melatonin could improve ADHD children’s sleep if they are on these stimulant medications, according to one study. The hormone melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Although it doesn’t directly reduce ADHD symptoms, melatonin can help with insomnia. Sleep is an essential component of mental health, attention and decision-making.

ADHD can be a serious problem for both children and adults. However, proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle could make a big difference. Research shows that nutritional supplements for ADHD can help to improve symptoms. Whether you have these symptoms or not, nutritional supplements can enhance your family’s health.

It is crucial to speak with your doctor about your specific needs in order to choose the right product for you.