Supplements for Health

Omega-3 and Inflammation

September 28, 2021

Since years, there has been a clear connection between inflammation and an increased chance of developing chronic diseases. Kenneth H. Cooper (Founder, Chairman, Cooper Aerobics) shares his findings of the relationship between chronic inflammation and omega-3, and how omega-3 can be used as an anti-inflammatory.

Omega-3 has many benefits for the body and even the mind. Omega-3 has analgesic properties, which simply means that it can effectively control pain+. I have reviewed products that claim to control or reduce pain. Some even contain small amounts of omega-3. It also acts as an anticoagulant which means it prevents blood clots+. The most important benefit of omega-3 is its anti-inflammatory effects. This is why I recommend it to my patients.

Reversing the pathology of inflammation

Since I founded a clinic for preventive medicine over 50 years ago, my increased interest in inflammation as a factor in many chronic diseases is not surprising. A Harvard Magazine article titled “Could Inflammation Cause Myriad Chronic Conditions” states that you can have a brain full of plaques and tangles but you’re less likely to get chronic diseases if your brain doesn’t have inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the main cause of chronic diseases. However, omega-3 can help reverse this process. A simple blood test can determine how much inflammation you have. Pollution, smoking, processed foods, sugar, and refined carbs are also the reasons behind chronic inflammation.

Altering inflammation’s trajectory through healthy habits

Inactivity and obesity are the two main reasons I am passionate about prevention. Inactivity is most prevalent in the central United States, along the Mississippi River. It is less common on the West Coast. Colorado has the lowest rates of obesity. Chronic inflammation is controllable. This is possible if one is able to control their diet, exercise more, and manage their weight. This was proven by The Cooper Institute’s Medicare study. We followed 18,670 healthy adults over a 25-year period, from approximately 49 to 75 years old. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia was 36% lower for those who were in the top fitness category in mid-life at 49 than those who were in the lowest fitness category. The baseline data showed that people in the top fitness category were generally lean and trim (24.4% BMI), while those in bottom were obese (28.3BMI) and inactive.


The combination of exercise and weight control was a key factor in dramatically reducing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. When inflammation levels were low, it was found to decrease the risk of congestive cardiac failure and chronic kidney disease that requires dialysis. We also found that exercise combined with a healthy diet containing Basic One multivitamin and Cooper Complete Advanced Omega-3 soft gels was effective in controlling inflammation and lowering C-reactive proteins by 13%.

Optimal supplementation combination

Heart attacks have a linkage to Homocysteine levels. They have linkage to strokes and Alzheimer’s also. The levels of vitamin B6, vitamin B6, and homocysteine are related. Supplementing with our Original Iron Free multivitamin resulted in homocysteine levels being reduced. Their reduction was around 17.2%, 32% and 14.6% respectively, according to a study. In order to prevent chronic inflammation that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. We should take omega-3 supplementation with a multivitamin containing these B vitamins (as well as vitamin D).


I recommend that you consume 1,400 mg of omega-3 fatty acids twice daily (four Advanced Omega-3 Softgels per day). If possible, have your blood levels measured so that you can adjust the dosage. Cooper Clinic began to assess each patient’s omega-3 index in 2009. The OmegaQuant test analyses red blood cells for long-chain omega-3 fat acids. To achieve optimal results, your omega-3 blood level should be at least 8%. Quality is the key to supplementation.

There are many omega-3 sources, and each one has a different amount of concentrated omega-3. Cooper Complete Omega-3 products contain 60% EPA (eicosapentaenoic acids) and DHA [docosahexaenoic acids], important nutrients that support the development of your body. A well-balanced diet is essential to reap the benefits of supplementation. Consuming fish, especially salmon, regularly can help increase your omega-3 levels, and lower your risk of developing heart disease. Research supports the importance of omega-3 in reducing inflammation and, even more importantly, in preventing it. Omega-3 and chronic inflammation control go hand in hand. This is why it is important to first treat or prevent chronic inflammation.

Article by Kenneth H. Cooper MD, MPH, Cooper Aerobics Chairman and Founder.