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Learn About Supplements for the Relief of Menopause Symptoms

September 28, 2021

The end of a woman’s last menstrual period marks the start of menopause. This is typically confirmed when there have been no periods for 12 consecutive months. The age at which menopause occurs are due to the influence of genetics, family history and ethnicity. Lifestyle factors like weight, smoking status, physical activity and weight can also have an impact. The average age of natural menopause is 51 years old, but women usually experience it between the ages of 40 and 58. The age at which our mothers went through menopause is the biggest predictor for menopause onset. A cross-sectional study of 22484 women in the U.S. revealed that there were significant geographic age differences. Southern women experienced menopause 10.8 month earlier than Northeastern women and 8.4 months earlier that Midwestern women. Western women went through it 6 months earlier.

The physical changes that lead to the last menstrual period usually begin between 4 and 8 years before. The transition period is called perimenopause. Perimenopause is a condition of irregular menstrual cycles that last for one year. Menopause occurs when a woman’s progesterone and estrogen levels drop. Perimenopause may not be accompanied by irregular menstrual periods. More than 60% of North American women experience other symptoms such as decreased estrogen levels and declines in other hormones.

During menopause, women experiences different symptoms. These are the most common signs and symptoms of perimenopause.

Hot Flashes

Menopause hot flashes are usually due to a vasomotor reaction to low estrogen. Hot flashes are the body’s way of cooling itself. Some women feel warm and others feel extreme heat. The definition of Hot flashes is reddening of the neck, upper face and torso due to a widening blood vessel, increased skin temperature and increased blood flow. Hot flashes are the most common menopause symptoms. 75% of women experiences hot flashes during this period. Hot flashes can last for about two years for most women, but they can sometimes last much longer for some women.

Disrupted Sleep

Some women feel that they have more trouble getting a good night of sleep at this stage in their lives. Supplements and sleep hygiene may be able to improve your sleep quality.

Night Sweats

Women faces hot flashes or night sweat about two-thirds (or more) due to the decrease in estrogen levels. Night sweats occurs due to hot flashes while sleeping. Heavy sweating can cause wet sleepwear and can disturb the sleeper.

Mood and Thinking Changes

Perimenopause can cause hormonal disruptions that disrupt established hormonal rhythms. Women who are premenopausal complain about increased irritability and depression. These changes could be due to hormonal rhythm changes and/or night sweats. Midlife can be stressful for women. Balance between aging parents, children and careers may also play a role.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal tissues can become thinned and dry as estrogen levels drop, which can cause discomfort, pain, burning or soreness.

The North American Menopause Society and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine agree that hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and other prescription medications are useful to relieve menopausal symptoms in healthy women who are recently show these diagnosis. The gold standard in the treatment of symptoms related to menopause is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Prescription medications might not be the best or most appropriate for every woman.

Cooper Complete Menopause Health, a soy-free product, is made with BioResponse (r), pure Genistein, vitamins and herbs. Cooper Complete Menopause Health supports normal menopause symptoms and normal perimenopause.

Red Clover (trifolium pratense)

The perennial herb red clover’s flowers and stalk contain phytoestrogens, which are similar to female hormones. The phytoestrogens (embryo-like plant compounds) are estrogen-like. One of the most well-studied phytoestrogens is trifolium practense, which is found red clover, and Glycine max, which is found soy.

A review of seven clinical trials shows the association of red clover with night sweats improvement. Red clover’s isoflavones may help to reduce night sweats.

Black Cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa)

Black cohosh is a perennial flowering plant that can reach 10 feet in height. The roots and rhizomes of the plant produces these supplements. Researchers don’t know which compounds found in black cohosh have beneficial properties, but they suspect that this herb may exhibit synergistic activity with phytoestrogens as well as triterpenes compounds. Black cohosh extract contains triterpene glycosides that work in synergy with phytoestrogens to reduce excess luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion.

The pituitary gland produces LH hormone which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. It causes the release of an egg by the ovary. A LH blood test can confirm that menopause has begun. Menopause symptoms can be because of sudden increase in LH secretion. This might occur due to decreasing estrogen levels.

For decades, researchers have examined the effectiveness of black colhosh in relieving symptoms associated with menopause. The evidence shows that black cohosh is safe, effective, and may be able to reduce hot flashes, mood disorders, and other symptoms. Black cohosh are beneficial for premenstrual discomfort and painful menstruation. It is also approved in Germany.

An open-label study on black cohosh showed that 80 percent of 629 participants reported less menopausal symptoms after 4 weeks, and 50% reported complete disappearance of symptoms between 6-8 weeks. Studies also show that black cohosh promotes emotional well-being, promoting calmness and a positive outlook.

DIM Diindolylmethane

DIM stands for 3,3′-Diindolylmethane, an indole (a type of phytochemical). This compound is made in the body by plant substances found in cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and kale. DIM, in its crystal form, is very insoluble and poorly absorbed. Cooper Complete Menopause Health uses patented BioResponse DIMM(r). BioResponse DIM (r) is made up of pure DIM microencapsulated and is highly bioavailable to the body. DIM is important for maintaining hormonal health and supports healthy estrogen metabolism.


Genistein is one of a group of phytoestrogens, which functionally mimics estrogen’s role in the body. It is a plant-isoflavone that has a structure similar to estrogen, but is not hormone-free. Genistein, an isoflavone that is present in soy and soy milks, is GeniVida(r). GeniVida(r), is a natural, soy-free, pure form of Genistein. Menopause-related hot flushes+ shows reduction by using soy protein, which naturally contains isoflavones. According to a review of studies on soy isoflavones, there is a reduction in hot flashes if a product provided 15 mg of the particular isoflavone, called genistein.


Clinically, GeniVida(r) shows to reduce hot flushes by more than 50%. A 12-week randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial was conducted on 84 women aged 44-65 who had 40 or more hot flashes per day. They were either given 30 mg of GeniVida (r) daily or a placebo. The GeniVida(r), genistein supplemented women experienced 4.7 less hot flashes per days than the 7.1 reported by the placebo.


Women are more likely to suffer from migraines than men, with 70 percent of sufferers being female. There is evidence that hormonal migraines can be due to changes in estrogen levels. Supplementation with magnesium daily proves to be effective in preventing migraines related to menstruation, particularly in women suffering from premenstrual migraines.

According to the Institute of Medicine, adult women should consume 320 mg of magnesium daily. Magnesium are present in many foods, but the richest sources are legumes, nuts, and some fish. However, more than 60% of American adult women consume less that 230 mg of magnesium per day. Cooper Complete Menopause Health provides 100 mg of magnesium to supplement the amount of magnesium in food. (Cooper Complete Basic 1 Multivitamin formulations include 200 mg magnesium.