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Healthy Eating Recommendations from Cooper Clinic Nutritionists

September 22, 2021

Cooper Clinic advocates a food-first approach to healthy eating. But, we can be prevented from receiving the nutrients we need by our hectic lives and dietary restrictions.

Four questions are offered by the Cooper Clinic Nutrition Services team to determine if your diet is sufficient and, if not what supplements may be best.

1 – Cooper Clinics Needs to Know Do you eat all five food groups?

Healthy eating habits include eating healthy portions from all five food categories. Do you include all five food groups in your daily portion?

Some diets do not allow for certain food groups, such as whole grains and dairy (Paleo Diet(r), or meat and poultry (vegetarian Diet). It can be difficult to eat healthy when trying to reach the daily recommended intakes of key nutrients.

You can keep a record of your food to determine whether you are getting enough vitamins and minerals.


Eat fatty fish twice per week in portions similar to an iPhone’s (7-12 oz. You can get 2,000 mg of omega-3 fat acids by eating fatty fish twice a week in portions approximately the same size as an iPhone (7-12 oz. Cooper Clinic and National Cholesterol Education Program have approved this daily recommended value as heart-health.

Supplement recommendation: Take an omega-3 supplement or multivitamin if you are vegetarian or don’t eat enough fatty fish. Cooper Complete’s Healthy Body Pack includes both, in a compact and convenient package.


2 – The Clinic Analysis of coffee or tea consumption?

When it comes to adequate nutrient intake, there are yin and yang. Cooper Clinic looks into it deeply to understand your eating habits. This means that eating too many of one food can sometimes lead to a decrease in the absorption of another.

Tannins can, for example, inhibit iron absorption in other foods like beans, nuts, or seeds. Tannins are naturally found in tea, coffee, and other dark-colored beverages.

Consider pairing coffee, tea and nuts with vitamin-rich foods like oranges, red peppers and papaya. This can increase iron absorption and counterbalance tannin intake.

Supplement recommendation: Vitamin C supplements may be a good option if you aren’t getting enough vitamin A to counterbalance the effects of tannins. The great source of vitamin C is Cooper Complete Original Multivitamin Iron Free and Basic One Multivitamin Iron Free.

3 – Cooper Clinic calcium concerns for you?

Healthy eating means regular meals. Eating lunch early and not waiting for dinner is unhealthy. It can hinder your body’s ability stay healthy. Also, Healthy calcium-rich foods can ensure that your body is well-nourished.

Calcium absorption is greatest when it is taken in 500-600mg or less. For reference, 300mg of calcium can be found in one cup non-fat milk.

To get the most calcium from calcium-rich foods like yogurt, milk, and cheese, it is best to spread them out throughout the day.

Supplement recommendation: Cooper Complete Calcium Citrate is a good choice if you are lactose intolerant, or don’t consume enough calcium. Each tablet contains 250 mg of calcium. You can take it up to two times daily.

4 – Do you have celiac disease or have you undergone gastric bypass surgery?

Cooper Clinic also does a detailed analysis of any problems you are facing. Celiac disease and gastric bypass surgery can increase the risk of developing nutritional deficiencies. Both can affect the absorption process. Why?

Villi are present in the lining of the intestines. Moreover, they aid in absorbing nutrients. People with celiac disease have a compromised immune system so it makes it difficult for them to absorb nutrients.

Gastric bypass patients may have difficulty absorbing nutrients. A smaller stomach reduces the hydrochloric acid. This directly impacts the absorption and utilization of calcium, iron, and other nutrients.

Certain medications, such as antacids and lipase inhibitors, can also affect the absorption nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamins A, D and E, as well as vitamins K.

Supplement recommendations: Discuss possible supplement recommendations with your doctor if you are on acid-blocking medication, have celiac Disease, or have had a gastric bypass. Supplements such as vitamin B12 or multivitamins can help to make up deficiencies.

Also, you should talk to a registered nutritionist. You will also make the necessary dietary changes. Moreover, you will easily meet the daily recommended nutrients.