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Glucosamine for Joint Health – Which Form to Use

September 27, 2021

According to the Arthritis Foundation osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis that affects millions of Americans. The cartilage becomes less healthy with this type of chronic condition. Healthy joints have cartilage that covers each bone. Hence, it cushions the bone and provides a smooth surface to allow for joint movement. The damaged cartilage by osteoarthritis can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Joint pain, especially after repetitive movements that often get worse later in the day
  • Stiffness, especially after inactivity or first thing in the day
  • Creaking or grating
  • Tenderness and swelling
  • Bone spurs

Lifestyle changes like a healthier weight, more physical activity and stretching can make a big difference in osteoarthritis management. It shows that supplements are beneficial for health.

Why use Glucosamine for Joint Health?

Glucosamine is a key ingredient in the building of cartilage which is naturally forms in the body, so unlike other nutrients. However, this supplement is widely consumable for joints health due to extensive research on osteoarthritis. Cooper Complete Joint Health has found that glucosamine is useful in combination with chondroitin. Moreover, some believe this is more efficient. Overall, osteoarthritis sufferers who have used glucosamine seem to experience a reduction in pain and improvement in function. Although research is still ongoing, scientists believe that there are many possible reasons for the positive effects of glucosamine.

  • Reduces joints inflammation and cartilage corrosion
  • Repairs existing damage
  • Lubricates joints
  • Helps cartilage retain water

Why Glucosamine Sulfate?

There are three types of glucosamine:

  1. Glucosamine sulfate
  2. Glucosamine hydrochloride
  3. N-acetyl glucosamine

There is some disagreement within the scientific community about which form of glucosamine to use. One study has shown that both the hydrochloride form and the sulfate form are equally effective. However, the majority of research on glucosamine focuses on the glucosamine sulfurate. Some researchers also believe that the sulfate in glucosamine sulfurate is an important component, as the body needs it to make cartilage. Glucosamine Sulfate studies shows that it reduces pain scores by around 28 to 41 percent and improve functionality by 21-46 percent. Multiple studies have demonstrated that glucosamine is comparable to anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen. Although glucosamine sulfate takes longer to work than ibuprofen or similar medications, it seems to have long-lasting effects once it integrates into the system.

Recently, the Joint Health formula was reviewed by Cooper Complete researchers and doctors. They decided to use glucosamine Sulfate going forward. Cooper Complete formulas are made with great care and expertise. Cooper Complete continues to improve its products on the basis of new scientific research.

Recommendations for Taking Cooper Complete Joint Health

  • Before you evaluate the results of Joint Health, make sure to take it for at least 2 months. It can take some time before you know if it will help your symptoms. Joint Health, which contains glucosamine (chondroitin) and chondroitin, provides relief for osteoarthritis symptoms in approximately 70% of people. Although Joint Health was initially designed for osteoarthritis sufferers, Cooper Complete customers frequently report that it also helps with repetitive motion pain like tennis elbow. Joint Health may be a good option for you if you have aches and other pains that are not related to osteoarthritis. Joint Health does not have any side effects. If you have an allergy to shellfish, do not take Joint Health. Cooper Complete Joint Health may not have helped your pain. Before adding any new supplement to your regimen, consult your doctor.


Cooper Complete team contributed this article.
