Vitamin-cooper clinic

Doctor Vitamin Recommendations – Learn What Cooper Clinic Dr. Riva Rahl Says

September 22, 2021

What can doctors do to keep their patients healthy, despite the fact that they spend so much of their time discussing and considering optimal health? A vitamin supplement or something else?

We spoke with Dr. Riva Rahl, Cooper Clinic to learn more about her vitamin and supplement habits and the gifts she makes to her family. Her vitamin and supplement regimen is a testimony to her expertise as a medical expert.

Which vitamins and supplements does Dr. Rahl take?

  • Original Multivitamin with Iron Rated 5.00 out 5 based upon 6 customer ratings $46.98 Add to Cart
  • Cooper Complete Original with Iron – This multivitamin is Cooper Complete’s most complete, and contains eight tablets per day. This multivitamin should be taken twice daily to ensure maximum absorption. Dr. Rahl prefers to take her vitamins at dinner because of the pace of her day. She tells patients that it’s better for 95 percent to absorb than 50 percent. Multivitamins can be taken with large meals, which helps with fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Vitamin D 25 mg (1,000IU) – Dr. Rahl does a blood test every year to determine how much vitamin D is needed. She would prefer her vitamin D level to be between 40-50ng/mL. Dr. Rahl determined that she requires 75 mcg (3,000IU) of vitamin D daily based on these parameters. Cooper Complete multivitamins contain 50 mg (2,000IU) so Dr. Rahl adds 25 mg (1,000IU) of Cooper Complete Vitamin D softgels to get the amount her body requires.
  • Rahl stated that she would be willing to take Cooper Complete Advanced Omega-3 if she didn’t have the large intake of Omega-3-rich fish she eats. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat at least two servings of fatty fish (such as salmon) every week. Dr. Rahl exceeds this amount. Dr. Rahl eats at most six salmon meals per week!

Which vitamin or supplement does she give to her kids?

Dr. Rahl is also a “Doctor Mom” for her teenage sons. She gives these tips to her children in order to keep them healthy:

  • Coromega – A tasty, kid-friendly omega-3 brand of 125 mg (5,000 IU) vitamin.

What does she recommend to her patients?

Dr. Rahl stressed that omega-3 and vitamin D are the most important supplements for all her patients.

Vitamin D

She explained that there is no way to get enough vitamin A from sun exposure and diet alone. This is especially true if you use sun protection correctly (which Dr. Rahl strongly recommends). Each person will require a different amount of vitamin D supplementation. She suggests:

  • If blood level is below 20ng/mL, prescription vitamin D can be given for three months. 50 mg daily (2,000 IU)
  • Blood level 20-30ng/mL: 50 mg (2,000 IU) vitamin A daily, with a follow up to determine if it has increased.
  • Blood levels below 30 ng/mL are normal. You can start taking 50 mg (2,000 IU) vitamin A, or stop.

Cooper Complete multivitamins have higher levels of vitamin D, which she appreciates. Cooper Complete multivitamins have 50 mg (2,000 IU) daily. Although vitamin D is found in many multivitamin brands, it is not present in sufficient quantities.


Omega-3 has been proven to improve brain health, heart health, and overall inflammation. Supplementing with omega-3 is important as most Americans have difficulty incorporating enough omega-3 rich foods in their diets. Dr. Rahl recommends 2 to 3 Cooper Complete Advanced Omega-3 Softgels daily for patients who eat little or no fish. DHA-fortified foods like milk and eggs may have low levels of DHA. Low levels of omega-3 supplements can also lead to low levels. Make sure you read the label carefully to ensure that the EPA/DHA levels in the supplement are sufficient to make a difference. Cooper Complete Advanced Omega-3 contains 1,200 mg EPA/DHA and comes in two softgels.

What does she recommend for women?

Dr. Rahl emphasizes the importance of women receiving adequate amounts of iron, calcium, and vitamin D in addition to omega-3 and omega-3.

Dr. Rahl will recommend supplementation if patient blood tests show low iron levels. This is especially important for women who are regularly consuming blood or have a menstrual cycle. Cooper Complete multivitamins come in a “With Iron”, which contains 18 mg of supplemental Iron per serving.

Women need between 1,000 and 1,200mg of calcium each day from their diet. Milk, yogurt, broccoli, and kale are all good sources of calcium. Dr. Rahl will instruct patients to take a calcium supplement if they find it difficult to attain the recommended amount through diet alone.

Dr. Rahl recommends Menopause Health for women who are experiencing perimenopause and menopause.

Other Vitamin Recommendations

  • Rahl suggests taking 400-500mg of turmeric two times a day, as it is an anti-inflammatory. Her patients suffering from arthritis are advised to consume turmeric.
  • She recommends 3 mg Quick Release Melatonin for patients suffering from insomnia and sleep problems. The body’s natural hormone, melatonin, helps regulate its wake-sleep cycle.
  • Dr. Rahl recommends that patients taking statin medication to lower high cholesterol take 50-100mg of Cooper Complete COQ10. Statins can cause a decrease in CoQ10 levels, so it is important to replenish this vital enzyme. This may help reduce muscle pain and muscle aches that are associated with statin use. Dr. Rahl advises patients to start at 50 mg, and then increase it if they do not notice any difference.

Consumers can find it difficult to determine which vitamins and supplements are worth their investment due to the sheer number of products available. A doctor’s recommendation on vitamins can also make it easier to choose the right supplement for you. Hence, Cooper Clinic’s doctors and staff can provide an in-depth, personalized picture of your health and offer individual guidance. This link will also provide more information about the Cooper Clinic preventive examination.