Supplements for Health

Best Supplements to Lower Blood Pressure

September 28, 2021

Many Americans have to control their blood pressure every day. 100 million Americans or more have high blood pressure according to AHA.

There are natural ways to lower blood pressure. Lifestyle changes like eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and reducing stress can help lower blood pressure.

Healthy eating habits are important for your heart health. The best nutritional supplements to lower blood pressure are magnesium, potassium, and omega-3. We will discuss the role of these nutritional supplements. The role they specifically play in lowering blood pressure.

Magnesium to lower blood pressure

Magnesium is essential for maintaining blood pressure. While the NIH does not believe there is a magnesium deficiency in the general population. Still older adults may be at greater risk. An increase in risk is due to decreased magnesium absorption as a result of ageing. To sum up, further research helped to determine magnesium linkage to heart health.

Hypertension published a study that looked at magnesium supplementation clinical trials. Researchers found that people who consumed 350mg of magnesium per day had significant results. Furthermore, the group showed a significant decrease in systolic BP of 2.00 mm Hg, and diastolic BP of 1.78 mmHg.

Diet is a great way to naturally raise levels. Whole grains, leafy greens, low-fat milk, and lean meats are the best source of magnesium. Cooper Complete Multivitamins can be a great way for your body to get daily magnesium. A single basic Multivitamin contains 200mg of magnesium while the Original offers 660mg. Moreover, for those who require additional magnesium, the Magnesium Oxide supplement offers 300mg of elemental magnesium per capsule.

Potassium to balance out sodium

How potassium works with salt

Studies have shown that high levels of sodium and salt can increase blood pressure. A common first step in lowering it is to reduce sodium intake. To naturally lower blood pressure, the AHA recommends that you follow the DASH diet. The DASH diet aims to balance sodium and potassium intake.

Why is this balance important?

The body uses potassium and sodium to create energy. Importantly, the body will try to “hoard” potassium, which means it will hold onto sodium. The body also holds more water. In addition, it increases blood pressure. Can increasing potassium intake lowers blood pressure by doing this?

Finding a balance between potassium and salt levels

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine analyzed more than a hundred thousand participants. The results showed a correlation between potassium and sodium intake for blood pressure. It was interesting to find a direct correlation between the nutrient levels and both systolic (or diastolic) pressure. Higher blood pressure was associated with higher sodium intake, as expected. For all participants, however, a higher intake of potassium is associated with lower blood pressure.

Just increasing potassium by itself is not enough to lower your B.P. People who are able to combine this increase with a decrease in sodium intake. As a result, will likely see a further drop. A healthy, balanced diet is the best way to naturally lower it.

Supplements can maintain healthy potassium levels. It is a good substitution for high-potassium foods if they are unavailable. Cooper Complete Original Multivitamin contains 400mg potassium per daily serving. The daily recommended potassium intake for adults is 4,700mg per day. This figure is according to NIH.

Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce hypertension

How EPA and DHA lower blood pressure

Fish like salmon or mackerel are found to have Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. Omega-3 is one of the most researched nutrients. It has been subject to thousands of researches. There have been many studies that attempt to reveal the links between blood pressure and other factors. This was so important that as a result that researchers decided to examine the findings of seventy other studies.

Either fish oil or food to measure blood pressure was used in the studies. They also controlled for EPA/DHA intake. The results indicated that 2grams/dose omega-3 fatty acids could reduce both SBP and DBP. The greatest benefits in hypertensive patients are also observed. Patients who aren’t on antihypertensive medications. A lower dose (1 to 2grams/dose) could reduce SBP but not DBP.

Improving the ability to exercise with omega-3

Eating omega-3 rich foods and omega-3 supplements make exercising easier. Exercise is important for controlling blood pressure. A study that measured the effects of omega-3 supplements and exercises performance had forty-four participants. Participants who took omega-3 supplements had a greater thigh muscle volume. In addition, handgrip strength, and isokinetic power too in comparison to those who didn’t. The researchers concluded that fish oil slows the normal decline of muscle mass and function in older people. As a result, those suffering from sarcopenia should consider this as a therapeutic option.

AHA recommends that you consume at least 2000mg of omega-3 per week. It is because heart health and overall well-being is significantly linked to Omega-3 rich fish oil. “Cooper Complete Advanced Omega-3 Supplement” contains 1200mg of EPA/DHA per daily serving. The serving is good for those who cannot eat this amount.

Reminder: Your physician is the best person to understand you. They can effectively assess your health profile. So, talk with your doctor if you are experiencing high-stress levels.