Supplements for Health

Best Caffeine Pills

August 16, 2021

Best Caffeine Pills are something everyone wants to get their hands on. But why is that?

Caffeine is, without a doubt, the greatest natural stimulant ever discovered. Since its discovery, its popularity has only grown, which resulted in its global sales topping at 21 billion pounds in 2017 alone. That means 3 pounds of coffee for every man, woman, and child on Earth. This is a remarkable statistic because most of the world had never even heard of coffee until a few hundred years ago.

However, while there are many coffee lovers out there, there are also plenty who either don’t like the taste of coffee or do not have the time or opportunity to make/buy a cup of coffee when they really need it. Fortunately, today these people have caffeine pills. Natural caffeine is the main ingredient in caffeine pills.

Before we continue, it is important to distinguish between coffee and caffeine pills.

Caffeine Pills Vs. Coffee:

  • With a cup of coffee or espresso, it is near to impossible to determine just what kind of caffeine jolt you’re getting until your pupils are pegged and you’re ready to climb a rock wall using only your fingernails. With caffeine pills, however, you know exactly how much caffeine you’re getting.
  • Many people do not like the taste of coffee no matter how you dress it up, so they don’t enjoy caffeine’s many benefits. Caffeine pills eliminate this problem and allow those who do not like the taste of coffee to enjoy a caffeine boost still.
  • Oftentimes getting a cup of coffee is almost impossible, especially when you hit the afternoon energy wall. But even if you can drum up a cup of coffee in the afternoon, the chances are that it will only provide a fraction of the energy boost you’ll get from caffeine pills. Moreover, it will take longer to kick in. However, with caffeine pills, you take one and get back to work without skipping a beat.
  • Furthermore, regular coffee drinkers tend to suffer from yellow teeth. Luckily, there is no such embarrassing development with caffeine pills.

Before you buy a caffeine pill, it is necessary to understand what you should look for in a caffeine pill and the benefits and drawbacks that come with it.


1. Caffeine Content: It is necessary to look at the contents of a caffeine pill before purchasing it. An average adult will want caffeine content to be anywhere between 100 to 200 mg in their caffeine pills. The balance is crucial because a high content could lead to jitters and trouble falling asleep whereas, any amount lower than mentioned is less likely to produce the type of jolt they are looking for.

2. Value/Price: With a cup of coffee at Starbucks costing more than $5, caffeine pills are a much better value proposition in comparison. They are legal, easy to find, and provide good value for money to their users. Of course, caffeine pills don’t come with the bland corporate furniture and soulless atmosphere that you can find at Starbucks, but you do get the pick-me-up you need. Also, by the end of the week, you can save up for a nice dinner.

3. Other Ingredients: Caffeine pills are available to provide you with caffeine, not Vitamin C, but some consumers still look for additional ingredients and points when buying these tablets. Some manufacturers have padded their caffeine pills with fillers to cater and appeal to such an audience’s needs. However, it is up to the users to decide if they appreciate extra ingredients in their caffeine pills.

Benefits of Caffeine Pills:

  • Quick energy boost: While there’s plenty to be said for the ritual of preparing and drinking coffee, sometimes you don’t have time for the ritual and need a quick yet efficient solution. Caffeine capsules will provide you with a quicker and, sometimes, a better jolt of energy than you’ll get from a cup of coffee.
  • Sharper mental focus: There’s little doubt that as the caffeine from your caffeine pill begins to increase your metabolism, more blood will be pumping through your veins into your brain. This will allow more oxygen to be delivered and thus, provide a higher level of focus and awareness.
  • Enhanced athletic performance: Very few people work out without drinking a strong cup of coffee or taking caffeine tablets first. The boost you get from a caffeine pill can mark the difference between achieving or failing to achieve your physical fitness goals.

Side Effects of Caffeine Pills:

When taken as directed, caffeine pills are as safe as any other supplement. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that, as with any supplement, when taken in excess, caffeine pills are also bound to produce side effects. These side effects typically take one or a couple of the forms mentioned below:

  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Irritability
  • Jitters
  • Gastric distress
  • Acid reflux

However, as already mentioned above, most of these can be avoided by using caffeine pills as directed.


  1. Can you chew caffeine pills?

None of the best caffeine pills on the market actually come in chewable form. Furthermore, trying to chew a standard caffeine pill is likely to produce an extremely unpleasant taste experience.

  1. How long will caffeine stay in my system?

The exact amount depends on how much you take. If you stick to the instructions and take only as directed, the caffeine should clear your system in 4 or 5 hours. If you overdo it, you may have to go through a long sleepless night.

  1. Can caffeine pills be used for weight loss?

The best caffeine supplements can, and often are, be used to help in weight loss efforts. However, their use needs to be augmented with exercise and proper diet.

  1. Can you take these before going to bed?

Not if you want to sleep. It is recommended you don’t take any caffeine pills within 6 hours of your planned sleep time. So if you typically turn in at midnight, don’t take any caffeine pills after 6 pm.

  1. Can you overdose on caffeine tablets?

While it is theoretically possible to overdose on caffeine, the amount you would have to consume makes it extremely unlikely to happen. Scientists estimate you would need to consume around 5000mg of caffeine pills in a day to overdose.

To help you find some reliable caffeine pills, here are some of our top picks.

Top Caffeine Pills:

The following top caffeine pills are available in the market:

  1. Performance Lab® Stim: (Editor’s Choice) Imagine a caffeine-based stimulant without any downsides. That was what Performance Lab wanted to achieve, and they eventually did with Stim. Stim improves caffeine’s performance-enhancing effects through its innovative dual-stack formula, the combination of L-Theanine with caffeine, to bring about a cleaner and calmer stimulation without jitters, jolts, or crashes. The genius of stim is in the supporting stack of L-Theanine (100 mg), L-Tyrosine (250 mg), and B-Vitamins (B2, B6, B9, and B12) along with 50 g of caffeine found in each capsule. This trio combines to sharpen focus, memory, allow multitasking and helps restore brain chemicals and nutrients depleted by caffeine. Thus, it protects you against burnout. Some more pros and cons include:


  • Calm and controlled caffeine kick
  • No jitters or crashes
  • 100% clean, natural, and vegan friendly
  • Counterbalancing of nutrients to protect against burnout


  • Only available on site

It is a mental energy booster that takes care of everything. It is safe to say and Stim is the next generation of caffeine.

  1. Zhou Nutrition: Zhou Nutrition Energy and Focus take a holistic view of energy enhancers. It is our top choice because The capsules combine 100 mg of caffeine combined with L-theanine’s mediating and synergistic effects (200mg). The capsules combine 100 mg of caffeine and 200 mg of L-Theanine, along with vitamin B-complex, Asian ginseng, and Ashwagandha. The result is a less severe energy boost that enables you to come down easy rather than crashing. Its well-crafted formula is drawn from all-natural sources. It is mindful of your mental, emotional, and physical needs and helps protects against sugar, calories, nausea, jitters, and neutralizes the harmful side effects of caffeine while still giving you the energy and focus you need. Moreover, these extended-release caffeine tablets can be effectively stacked with other products to bolster weight loss efforts. The advantages and disadvantages of this product are listed below:


  • Caffeine helps with energy; Ashwagandha helps with mood
  • No artificial flavors
  • Natural ingredients are used
  • Good for mind and body


  • Relatively pricey

Thus, if you’re looking for caffeine pills that give you a better boost of energy, then consider giving Zhou Nutrition a chance.

  1. Jet Alert: Whether you’re cramming for finals or have a long day of presentations and meet-and-greets ahead of you. You are going to need the energy and vitality to see them through. Hence, these caffeine pills are not nonsense caffeine pills that will get you up and at it. With Jet Alert, you get 200 mg of caffeine in every tablet, giving you the energy boost and sharpened focus needed to stay on the task at hand and get the job done. Jet Alert is faster and cheaper than coffee. Moreover, it is heavy on caffeine and light on extras which is good news for those who need a jolt to get them back on track. Jet Alert comes with the following set of benefits and drawbacks:


  • Works fast and is effective when you need to be alert
  • Simple supplement
  • 200 mg caffeine per capsule


  • It wears off fairly quickly

If you’re looking for something that doesn’t affect you for too long but is enough to help you get the job done and get through the day, Jet Alert is your answer.

  1. Time Release Caffeine: If there is a downside to most caffeine pills, then the energy boost they provide is short-lived. However, for Time Release Caffeine Pills, this is not the case. These are no ordinary 100 mg caffeine pills. This is because their caffeine is made with advanced microencapsulation premium trademarked VitaShure Caffeine SR, which means it’s an extended-release formula and is absorbed into your body over time to give you a smooth kick that lasts for hours without the crash. Other than providing a total of 100mg of caffeine, Time Release Caffeine tablets come with no gluten, no soy, no nuts, banned substances, or anything else you don’t want. They are designed to be absorbed slowly so that the caffeine is released over most of the day. This way, you avoid the unpleasant sudden jolt and have a more natural-feeling elevation in your energy levels that ramps up and dissipates slowly at the end of the day. More pros and cons include:


  • ​Caffeine released over 8 hours
  • ​It helps boost your metabolism
  • An effective aid in your weight loss efforts
  • Enhances brain performance to focus better
  • ​No artificial flavors or fillers


  • Could you not take it too late in the day?

Time-Released Caffeine tablets are better than a quick fix and boost your metabolism and energy level for a longer time.

  1. Genius Caffeine Extended Release: This pill is promoted as a one-time only-release caffeine pill on the market. While this may not be entirely true, it provides a sustained release through its ultra-pure trademarked version NEWCAFF™ caffeine. The microencapsulated design of Genius Caffeine effectively spreads out the caffeine hit, which helps prevent jitters and rushes. It is incredibly versatile and can be used anytime throughout the day, but it is preferred to take it in the morning or early afternoon. This way, Genius will help you sustain a higher level of energy throughout the day. Moreover, it can also be an effective aid in a comprehensive weight loss program. Genius has some pros and cons, as listed below;


  • ​Provides effective, time-released energy.
  • ​It can be stacked with other products to enhance weight loss.
  • ​Enables you to finish important tasks on time.


  • Don’t expect an immediate jolt.

You should consider giving Genius a shot if you want to have sustained energy rather than aggressive energy boosts throughout the day.

  1. Prolab Caffeine Tablets: While most caffeine pills contain 100 mg caffeine, each Prolab Caffeine tablet provides 200mg of caffeine that will help provide an extra energy boost to get you through the day. In as little as 15 minutes, you’ll start to feel your energy levels rise and your focus sharpen. Unlike energy drinks that rely on sugar to provide an energy boost, Prolab uses only calorie-free, sugar-free caffeine. This added benefit of sugar-free content helps support your training needs without compromising your dietary plans. Moreover, there are minimal side effects related to the intake of Prolab’s caffeine tablets with no indication of blood sugar level spikes or crash afterward. It is recommended to take one tablet thrice a day and not exceed 3 tablets per day with a minimum of 3-4 hours between each intake. Prolab has the following advantages and disadvantages:


  • ​Enhances energy and focus without jitters
  • ​Provides quick energy, feel energized in <15 minutes
  • It contains no-calorie, perfect for fat loss


  • Too many will upset your stomach.

Thus, if you are looking for the perfect way to enhance your workouts, you should consider putting this product on your list.

  1. VitalFuse: while most caffeine pills mainly only include caffeine, VitalFuse takes a slightly different approach to revitalize your energy levels by infusing their energy pills with Bacopa. Bacopa is a herb well-known for its ability to improve cognitive function. VitalFuse also includes the important nutrient Alpha GPC and theacrine, which, when combined with caffeine, helps provide a more controlled energy-boosting experience. The formulation provides energy for up to 5 hours and allows tasks at hand to be completed efficiently. The result of taking this caffeine pill is that it provides you a good way to enjoy higher energy levels while still feeling like yourself, instead of feeling like a car battery has been plunged into your heart. The benefits and drawbacks of VitalFuse are pointed out below:


  • ​A more natural feeling energy booster
  • ​Provides Bacopa for enhanced brain function
  • ​Energy without the jitters
  • Enhances your weight loss efforts


  • Caffeine combined with theacrine can cause a massive jolt.

Consequently, if you want an energy-boosting experience that can help you get the job at hand done well while giving you a more controlled energy-boosting experience, then VitalFuse is your solution.

  1. Nutricost Caffeine Pills: The last entry on our list of best caffeine pills is from Nutricost. They’re produced in the USA to the highest standards and will help provide you the boost you need, whenever you need it. Their 200 mg caffeine pills are a straightforward infusion of pure caffeine mixed with gelatin and rice flour, aimed at helping you focus and keep up with your daily activities. It is hyper-minimal with no hidden sugar or calories to overwhelm your system. All you need is caffeine to work with this product. The following are some of the product’s pros and cons:


  • ​No fillers or useless additives.
  • ​No sugar or calories.
  • ​100mg of caffeine per capsule.
  • ​Made in the USA.


  • Raw caffeine may upset sensitive stomachs.
  • Not for vegans or vegetarians due to the use of gelatin

Therefore, if you’re looking for a reliable, affordable, fast-acting alternative to coffee, then you should consider Nutricost Caffeine Pills.


While all of the above-mentioned caffeine pills are our top picks, OUR #1 RECOMMENDED BEST CAFFEINE PILL IS… Performance Lab® Stim. This is more than just a performance-enhancing caffeine pill. It offers a glimpse into the future of caffeine stimulation. The blend of L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, and B-Vitamins counterbalance the negative sides of caffeine. Giving you the mental and physical energy boost you want for the gym, work, or life in general without any burnout. Performance Lab® Stim offers a smarter, cleaner, and more controlled caffeine kick without having to worry about jitters, jolts, or feeling ‘wired.’ Moreover, the capsules are 100% plant-based and prebiotic-infused for easy digestion.