Supplements for Health

Berberine Supplements

August 16, 2021

Berberine is a natural herbal supplement; that has been used in traditional practices and modern science for various medicinal purposes; due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to naturally promote overall body health; by lowering blood sugar levels, helping with weight management;, and promoting cardiovascular health by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Benefits of Berberine

Berberine is a natural alkaloid that is found in many herbs. Berberine has a reputation for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps activate an enzyme inside cells known as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK); that stimulates metabolic function when activated and helps regulate body fat consumption and lifespan. Berberine supplements bring about the following benefits through their pharmacological effects on the body.

Helps reduce blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes;

Berberine has been researched as a potential natural remedy for diabetes. Research conducted on berberine supplements found that it can help treat type 2 diabetes by lowering blood glucose levels. A study was conducted to see berberine’s effectiveness compared to metformin;, a popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. This research proved that berberine is, indeed, equally as effective as metformin at controlling type II diabetes symptoms.

This was because berberine helps reduce the speed at which carbohydrates are broken down in the gut;, which helps speed up glycolysis and decreases sugar production in the liver. This allows a more effective breakdown of cells in the body, which helps increase the effectiveness of insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels are lowered, and friendly bacteria in the gut are increased;, thus functioning like a probiotic. The study shows that berberine may also help improve insulin sensitivity. This not only helps control diabetes but may also reduce the risk of kidney damage. Moreover, berberine can also affect other bodily functions vital to regulating blood sugar;, including the functioning of molecules and enzymes and gene expression.

Another study showed that patients who took a gram of berberine supplement daily experienced; a drop in their blood sugar levels back to normal ranges within the three-month study period. Not only did blood sugar improve, but so did cholesterol, Triglycerides, and hemoglobin A1c.

More Benefits

Berberine can help lower cholesterol levels:

Berberine may prove beneficial in lowering high cholesterol levels, especially in those with diabetes. One study found that compared to statin therapy, a common treatment for cholesterol;, berberine in combination with red yeast rice can provide a broader range of cholesterol protection; with a lower risk of side effects. Studies on animals have found; that berberine effectively reduces abnormally high fat and lipid concentrations in the blood by helping the liver excrete cholesterol. Researchers believe that berberine alters cholesterol levels; by inhibiting an enzyme called PCSK9 that removes more LDL cholesterol from the blood. An analysis of 11 various studies has shown that berberine can help lower cholesterol; levels up to 0.061 mmol/L, increase HDL cholesterol (the good kind) by 0.05 mmol/L; and reduce LDL cholesterol by 0.65 mmol/L and blood triglyceride levels by 0.50 mmol/L.

Berberine can promote cardiovascular health:

Researchers believe that berberine may be beneficial in protecting heart health by increasing the release of nitric oxide in the body that helps relax arteries and allows for better blood flow, and lowers blood pressure. Some studies have also found that high apolipoprotein B levels are a major reason for the development of heart disease;, and berberine can help lower it by almost 15%. The research found that berberine had positive effects on heart; health and may be beneficial in addressing heart failure and heart arrhythmias.

Berberine could help with weight loss:

Berberine has been found to help fight obesity. A study found that berberine could lower lipid levels in obese participants and thus have a moderate weight loss effect. According to a 12-week clinical trial done on obese patients; who received a 500 mg dose of berberine supplement thrice a day;, they recorded a 3.6% loss of body fat, and a dropped in weight by 5 pounds. Another study conducted for the same time period on 37 participants; receiving a total of only 900 mg of berberine supplement per day; found that their BMI measurements dropped from 31.5 to 27.4,; shifting them from being obese to being overweight on the BMI scale. They also experienced a loss of belly fat. Research suggests that these changes are due to hormonal changes ;that regulate fat storage and suppress the formation of fat cells at the molecular level.

Further Health Advantages

Berberine Exerts Powerful Effects on Metabolism:

Berberine binds to molecular targets when injected; this alters functioning. It then activates the cellular enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is considered a metabolism switch. Berberine also plays a role in determining gene expression. It is found in different body organs such as the brain, liver, heart, muscles, and kidneys; and plays an active role in regulating metabolism.

Berberine may also bring about other health benefits;

Berberine may show potential in fighting and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases;, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, due to its ability to enhance neuroprotective pathways. However, this area of study requires further research.

Berberine experiments on rats have been shown to reduce depression; and some animal-based trials have shown a reduction in the growth and spread of cancerous tumors. Berberine is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties that enhance overall health. Moreover, it has been proven to fight off viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens. It can also help patients with heart failure and disease and decrease mortality rates.

Berberine may help people with irritable bowel syndrome;

Studies have found that besides aiding with weight loss and energy processing;, berberine can also help deal with gastrointestinal problems caused by irritable bowel syndrome. A study was conducted on 132 participants divided into two groups. One group received a placebo;, and the other received 2 doses of berberine supplement of 400 mg daily for eight weeks. The results concluded that the group receiving berberine supplements; daily experienced decreased abdominal pain and diarrhoea and had better gastrointestinal symptoms than the group given a placebo. However, the study could not explain how berberine supplement was able to cause this. Two possible explanations could be either due to changes in metabolic function or alterations to the immune system. Nonetheless, barbering supplements show potential for being more than just a natural remedy for obesity-related health problems.

Side Effects

Berberine can interact with other medications:

Even though berberine usually does not interact negatively with other medications;, it may do so in some cases and cause unexpected complications. For example, if you are already taking prescribed medicines for treating diabetes or lowering blood sugar levels;, then consuming a berberine supplement in addition to the medicine could lower your blood sugar; beyond desired targets and cause possible health issues. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before taking berberine supplements with any medicine.

Berberine can cause IBS-like symptoms:

Research and feedback from users have found that regular intake of berberine supplements; can cause side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, cramps, an upset stomach, etc. However, these symptoms are minor and may not hurt your body’s overall health.

The long-term effects of berberine are unknown:

This is mainly because most of the studies done so far do not encompass a time frame of more than 12 months. Therefore, more extensive research is required to learn about berberine’s long-term implications.

Pregnant women or breastfeeding should consult their doctor before using berberine:

Research regarding the safety of berberine supplement consumption by pregnant women and children is still lacking. However, it has been found that with children, especially newborns, berberine can negatively interact with bilirubin levels and reduce the rate at which the liver produces bilirubin. This may be worse for a child already at risk of jaundice. Severe jaundice on rare occasions can even lead to brain damage. Therefore, extra caution and doctor’s consultation should be taken before using a berberine supplement.

Berberine should be taken with care if you have diabetes or low blood pressure:

Since berberine reduces blood sugar, a person with diabetes already on medication to reduce blood sugar must consult their doctor before taking a berberine supplement to ensure their blood sugar does not fall to dangerously low blood sugar ranges. Moreover, as berberine can naturally lower blood pressure, people with a blood pressure health condition or those with naturally low blood pressure should be cautious about their intake of berberine supplements.

Who Can Benefit from Berberine?

For those who are Overweight –

Berberine can help lower the total body fat percentage and provide metabolic benefits. It switches on the master switch enzyme called AMPK that helps improve metabolism and speeds the rate at which your body burns energy from foods. Research has suggested that berberine can help with weight loss even if it may not be as effective as some more effective compounds, such as green tea extract.

Those with Cardiovascular Health Issues and diabetes –

The risk of heart disease increases by high cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Berberine can help reduce this risk by treating insulin insensitivity in people who have type two diabetes or metabolic syndrome, lowering blood pressure naturally, and reducing total cholesterol levels in the body.

Those with Digestive Issues –

Berberine’s anti-inflammatory properties and ability to fight off bacteria allow it to treat inflammation and bacteria growth in the gut, which could cause digestive issues if left unattended. Moreover, Berberine supplements can help treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and kill off bad bacteria in the gut, thus also helping to improve your immune system.

Athletes – Athletes need to maintain certain body weight and boost their metabolism. Berberine supplements can help them in this regard by helping athletes lose weight, increase their energy levels and lower their body fat consumption to enhance their athletic performance.

Are There Any Beneficial Berberine Stacks?

Berberine can be stacked with other supplements to improve its effectiveness and to meet your needs better with the synergistic benefits it could bring. These beneficial stacks are as follows.

  • Berberine and Quercetin is a great stack for anyone looking to treat inflammation and support the immune system. Quercetin is a plant pigment that contains powerful antioxidant properties with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine benefits. Moreover, it protects cardiovascular functions and compliments berberine in this regard.
  • Berberine and Milk Thistle – Milk thistle is an herbal remedy that has been used to protect the liver from inflammation and toxins for more than 2,000 years now. Milk thistle and berberine make a great combination in helping to support immune and digestive health and in alkalizing and detoxifying the body.
  • Berberine and Oregon Grape and/or Goldenseal – Goldenseal and Oregon grape already include berberine. Combining them with berberine adds to the antioxidant properties and reinforces the benefits of berberine on digestion and cardiovascular health.

Berberine does not have a standard dose recommended to its users. Its effects wear off in several hours, which is why it is most effective to have berberine supplementation spread out over the day and the specific medical condition it is being consumed for being kept in mind. Moreover, due to its metabolic functioning, it is best to take berberine supplements with a meal.

Clinical trials on humans have used berberine supplements in different doses ranging from 900 to 1500 mg daily. You should take berberine supplementation doses of 300 mg each, thrice a day. For people taking berberine supplements to treat high blood pressure, a total dose of 155 mg per day broken into three doses of 500 mg has proven to be the most effective. You should consume 1000 mg of berberine supplement per day to regulate blood sugar. A person should split it into two or three doses throughout the day. You will not have any harmful side effects by taking doses as low as 500 mg and as high as 200 mg.

Frequently Asked Questions About Berberine Supplements

Q: What is Berberine?

A: Berberine is a thoroughly studied natural supplement and a bioactive compound most commonly found in good natural resources. The root of the plant barberry is the most notable one. The berberine powder is bright yellow in color, similar to the shade of curcumin or turmeric. The berberine powder is in use for 2,500 years by ancient and modern cultures due to its medicinal properties. You will find berberine supplements in different forms today including, pills, capsules, extracts, etc.

Q: How Do I Pick a Good Berberine Product?

A: Berberine is an herbal supplement used for thousands of years. Many researchers now use it to treat various problems in the human body. You can use it to treat joint pain, weight loss, control diabetes if you have insulin insensitivity and many more issues. This is because berberine has the ability to alter the way your body’s mitochondria generate energy.

Identify high-quality berberine supplements, by checking for berberine HCL ingredients. Berberine supplements are bright yellow in color. They do not include any artificial colors.

Q: What does berberine do for the body?

A: Berberine’s primary function is to work on your body’s metabolism and help prevent the stress experienced from being overweight, obese, or having a poor diet. It helps with the regulation of blood sugar levels, weight loss, and controlling irritable bowel syndrome.

Q: Is berberine safe to take long term?

A: Berberine has mainly been studied for its effects in the short term. The results show that the side effects noticed with berberine are mainly minor, such as cramps, an upset stomach, diarrhea, and constipation. Many of these side effects often fade away as the body starts accepting the consumption of berberine. You might have a few minor side effects, and its long-term effects beyond 12 months of consumption have still not been studied. This is because research on berberine in humans is fairly new. However, berberine appears to be both safe and effective when taken for at least eight to twelve weeks, with only mild gastrointestinal side effects like constipation and stomach discomfort reported in a few people in these studies. Research shows the safe usage of berberine in the long run.

Q: Is it safe to take berberine and metformin at the same time?

A: Berberine may help increase the effectiveness of many statins, working together to reduce high blood pressure. Berberine and metformin have been studied in conjunction and have found no negative effects or drug interactions. They help increase the uptake of energy compounds and break down energy storage. Berberine can help lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and metformin can decrease LDL cholesterol, fatty acids, and triglyceride.

However, it’s risky to take a prescription medication, and a supplement meant to perform the same function of lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. You should talk to your doctor first before taking berberine supplements with any prescribed medication.

Q: Does berberine kill good bacteria?

A: Research has suggested that berberine might alter your body’s probiotic bacteria populations beneficially. Moreover, berberine can boost intestinal health by clearing out the collective bacteria found in your gut. However, since Berberine might kill certain probiotic strains, it may reduce how well probiotic supplements work if taken with a berberine supplement.

Q: Can berberine affect testosterone levels?

A: Some basic biological research has shown that some cells, especially tumor or ovary cells, may reduce their expression of testosterone and other androgens. However, there is no evidence found on berberine lowering or boosting your testosterone levels or affecting your overall body in this regard.

Q: Is there berberine in turmeric?

A: Berberine comes from a different plant species than the plant that produces turmeric and curcumin’s primary active ingredient. However, they bring about some common health benefits, including lowering blood lipids, though they likely do so through different mechanisms.

Q: How long should you take berberine?

A: Research has shown that it may take six to eight weeks to see the benefits of berberine in your body. In some cases, it even took twelve weeks. Patients who took berberine supplements to regulate cholesterol levels experienced a and significant difference only after some months. For weight loss, berberine has shown significant results in 3 months. Still, if you are consuming berberine for the regulation of blood sugar levels, then you will have to wait few weeks to see berberine’s maximum impact and efficacy in reducing blood sugar levels in your body.

Q: Does berberine help with weight loss?

A: Some research suggests that berberine may help with short-term weight loss, which is great given that we already know berberine can help control health issues associated with being overweight or obese. Since berberine has already been found to help with health issues associated with obesity and being overweight, some research has found that berberine can help with short-term weight loss. Moreover, berberine can help with weight management as studies have shown a reduction in total body fat from consuming berberine supplements regularly for three months. However, even though it is not as useful of a weight loss supplement as ingredients like green tea extract or green coffee bean extract, the benefits are important if you take berberine for overall metabolic health and are overweight. But it is best not to rely on berberine completely when it comes to weight loss.

Q: Is berberine as effective as drugs?

A: berberine is considered an effective cure for high blood pressure. It is one of the few supplements that can be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs. While many traditional berberine uses are still practiced today, modern berberine is extracted from various plants, such as goldenseal, European barberry, and tree turmeric.

Q: What foods contain berberine?

A: Berberine is a compound that is most commonly found only in only a few plants such as barberries, goldenseal, golden thread, Berberis, Tinospora cordifolia, Hydrastis Canadensis, Xanthorhiza simplicissima, Argemone mexicana, Coptis Chinensis, and Eschscholzia California. It is usually found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of the plant.

Q: Can berberine lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels?

A: Various studies have shown promising results for berberine concerning lowering cholesterol levels. However, most of these studies were conducted on animal-based models, and therefore, more research is needed to learn about its effectiveness in humans. Regarding lowering blood sugar levels, berberine has shown to be effective within six to eight weeks of regular intake. This means that while berberine is effective, it may need time for the results to start kicking in.

Q: Can you take berberine with other medications?

A: In most cases, you can as berberine does not interact strongly with most other medications unless you are already taking a medicine to lower your blood sugar levels. In that case, it is best to speak to your doctor before taking berberine, as it can dangerously lower your blood sugar levels beyond your aimed goals.

Q: When should you take berberine?

A: Berberine is broken down and consumed rapidly by the body, which means you will have to take it at intervals throughout the day to reach the standard dose of 900 to 2000 mg of berberine per day. It is best to take a berberine supplement in the morning with breakfast, then another dose around noon, and a third dose in the evening. Berberine supplements are available in capsule and powder form.

Q: Is berberine useful for treating arthritis?

A: No research has shown signs of berberine’s effectiveness for arthritis, but studies have shown that berberine has anti-inflammatory properties. You cannot know if berberine prevents arthritis caused by inflammation.

Q: Is berberine good for the liver?

A: Berberine may be good for the liver by improving NAFLD patients’ insulin resistance and fatty liver condition. However, more long-term studies are needed before reaching a solid conclusion.

Q: Is berberine the same as barberry?

A: Barberry and goldenseal contain the chemical berberine and are often interchangeably used for similar medicinal purposes, but berberine has been shown to perform better by allowing the immune system to function better and inhibiting the growth of bacteria in test tubes.

Q: Can you use berberine used as a dye?

A: You can use it as a dye. Berberis species has a strong yellow color. You can use it to dye wool, wood, and leather. Moreover, berberine is still in practice today as a means to dye wool in Northern India.

Q: When was the first use of berberine recorded?

A: China folk medicine by Shennong in 3000 BC uses it. The ancient Chinese medical book The Divine Farmer’s Herb-Root Classic describes this first recorded use of berberine.

Berberine Supplements

To help you describe the berberine supplement that could prove to be best for you, we have devised not one but two lists. However, before moving on to the lists, you must understand the basis of rankings of the two lists.

How we ranked the first list of berberine supplements

Since the list focuses on berberine supplements, we have only included supplements that use berberine as their active ingredient and not any other herb, vitamin, mineral, etc., to learn more about the health benefits of different berberine supplements. Therefore, products that included non-berberine active ingredients did not make it to our rankings.

Next, it was important to look at the dosage level. Research says to use 900-1500 mg of berberine per day divided into different smaller doses. We only included berberine supplements which easily break down into small proportions for consumption throughout the day. You should not take a dose of berberine less than 450 mg or more than 600 mg per capsule.

After considering the dosage level, it was necessary to look at the purity of the berberine supplements. The rankings include berberine Cellulose-based capsules or gelatin-based capsules. The rankings dropped supplements with unnecessary fillers and artificial flavors and additives.

Berberine supplements that did well on these criteria scored near the top of the rankings, and those that did not score lower.

First List of Berberine Supplements

Berberine Pure +

Nuzena’s Resveratrol Rapid + is a great berberine supplement for anyone who is looking for top quality and purity. It comes in a dose of 1200 mg containing resveratrol, a plant-based compound that acts as an antioxidant and helps in lowering blood pressure by producing nitric oxide that relaxes blood vessels. Moreover, this berberine supplement is non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and manufactures in FDA-registered facilities. No wonder it comes at the top of our list.

Thorne Research Berberine

Thorne Research is a nutritional supplement manufacturer that has earned a good reputation in the supplement industry for providing top-quality supplements with a minimal amount of extraneous ingredients for the past 30 years. Their vegetarian capsule has a 500 mg dose. It is free from dairy, eggs, nut-based ingredients, gluten, artificial preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial preservatives and stearates.

Amazing Formulas Berberine

Amazing Formulas produces high-quality supplements, and its berberine supplement is no less. Each berberine supplement capsule contains 500 mg of berberine. An independent firm tests the purity and accuracy of dosage. The company makes each capsule from animal products. Hence it is not vegan friendly.

aSquared Nutrition Berberine

aSquared Nutrition manufactures a highly pure berberine supplement that provides its users 450 mg of berberine content in each gelatin capsule. Additional ingredients included in this berberine supplement are rice flour and gelatin. This berberine supplement is a great choice not only because of its purity but also due to its reliability as a supplement.

Integrative Therapeutics Berberine Complex

Integrative Therapeutic has a unique and innovative berberine supplement to offer you. It extracts its berberine content from three different plant species and combines one of them with other important and related bioactive compounds in the plant. This is a great berberine supplement with an edge over its competitors but is not a great choice for a 100% pure berberine supplement.

We Like Vitamins Berberine

This berberine supplement follows a simple formulation design with an allergen-free certification that gives it some uniqueness. However, it has a lower dosage level than most of the berberine supplements available on the market. It includes gluten and rice flour, thus making it not vegan-friendly or not a 100% pure berberine supplement.

Divine Bounty Berberine

Divine Bounty Berberine sets itself apart in the berberine supplement market with 20% more berberine content, 600 mg, per capsule than most competitors. Moreover, it is vegan friendly with a vegetarian capsule and does not include any more stabilizers and fillers than it needs.

Naturebell Berberine Plus

Naturebell provides a good berberine supplement with a higher than usual berberine content of 600 mg per serving. This is a great choice for those who wish to take a higher dose of berberine supplement daily, such as 1200 mg, without taking multiple doses. In this case, they only need to take this berberine supplement twice.

Dr. Whitaker’s Clinical Grade Berberine

You get 500 mg of berberine content per capsule. You will find this capsule as clinically graded. However, it comes in a gelatin capsule. It includes some extra fillers and stabilizers that many of its competitors do not include in their offering of berberine supplements, compromising its quality and purity.

EzyAbsorb Berberine

EzyAbsorb Berberine provides a standard dose of 500 mg of berberine content per capsule with a brown rice concentrate filler situated in its vegetarian capsule. While this berberine supplement offers more advantages and has higher quality ingredients than its competitors, it cannot prove this.

Synergetic Berberine

Sunergentic offers a high dose of 600 mg of berberine content in each vegetarian capsule in their berberine supplement. It is also free from some of the most common allergens, such as gluten and soy, thus attracting potential users. However, one main drawback is that Sunergestic uses silica as its filler for capsules when other renowned manufactures mainly use a more natural ingredient such as rice flour.

How we ranked the second list of berberine supplements

Our top priority when coming up with this list was to ensure purity. Therefore, Simply Nature’s Pure and Best Naturals did not make it to the list because of its use of cinnamon additives and Vitamin C and zinc additives as fillers, respectively.

The source of berberine places second. Barberry and plants and herbs such as Goldenseal, Oregon Grape, or Goldthread have the purest berberine. This is why berberine supplements such as Toniiq Ultra-High Strength Berberine and Synergistic Berberine made it to the list, and those like Douglas Labs Berberine did not.

Thirdly, we looked at the level of dosage. Research has proven the effectiveness of berberine supplements. You should take between 1,000 and 1,500 mg for most benefits. Berberine supplements like Nutrivein Premium Berberine HCL and Plantvital provide a healthy dose of 1,200 mg per serving. They ranked higher up in the list as compared to others that did not provide an effective dosage.

We included third-party tested berberine last. It is before packaging and distribution because that helps ensure the berberine supplements’ quality, purity, and reliability. Therefore, companies like Nuzena and Thorne were able to look a place higher up in our rankings. Rankings.

Second list of berberine supplements

Nuzena Berberine Pure+

Berberine Pure + by Nuzena provides the highest dosage of 1200 mg per serving than the berberine supplements included in this list of rankings and has an edge in including quality ingredients over its competitors. Scientific research backs the formula to improve heart health, regulate blood sugar levels and assist with weight management. Moreover, it is free of gluten, vegan friendly, and non-GMO. Therefore, this berberine supplement deserves the first spot on our rankings.

Thorne Research Berberine

Thorne’s Berberine supplement contains 85% Berberis Concentrate Berberine HCI from Barberry extracts. It is available in capsule and Berber camp options, with both of them providing similar health benefits of regulating blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Consumers report improvements in their digestion and PCOS symptoms, thus rewarding it with good reviews and second place in our rankings. Moreover, it is free from dairy, soy, corn, yeast, sugar, and magnesium stearate.

Amazing Formulas Berberine

Amazing Nutrition Berberine includes berberine hydrochloride, a form of berberine that is more studied and more easily absorbed by the body than the rest. It is free from shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, milk, wheat, soy, and tree nuts, thus making it an optimal choice for anyone with diet preferences and dietary sensitivities. This berberine supplement is available in 500mg capsules that are easy to swallow and provides an optimal dose of berberine throughout the day and keeps the supplementation simple. Manufacturers use Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). You can rely on it to be safe.

aSquared Nutrition Berberine

aSquared Nutrition Berberine provides a very high amount of berberine HCL content per serving which is 1000 mg. it is available in vegetarian and vegan-friendly capsules that help support cardiovascular and overall health. Their formula is rich, complex and extensively tested to ensure its purity. Moreover, this berberine supplement does not contain unnecessary binders, fillers, additives, or harmful preservatives. It is GMO-free and manufactured according to GMP guidelines in FDA-registered facilities to ensure quality.

Sunergetic Berberine Supplement

Synergetic Berberine provides an unusually high dose of 1200 mg of berberine content per capsule in its berberine supplement. It is free of gluten, soy, dairy, shellfish, preservatives, corn, and yeast. Moreover, all the ingredients used in forming this high dose of 1200 mg of berberine content are vegan-friendly. Synergistic adheres to CMP guidelines and manufactures in FDA-registered facilities.

Toniiq Ultra-High Strength Berberine

Toniiq’s Berberine supplement contains 500 mg of berberine content per vegetarian capsule with a 97% purity formula which contains 82% of a concentrated extract. The berberine in this supplement comes from Berberis Aristata in the Himalayas. The high purity level suggests greater bioavailability of the active compounds in the formula that allow the berberine supplement to regulate blood sugar metabolism and promote overall health. Moreover, this berberine supplement does not contain any additional preservatives, is vegan friendly, and is free from wheat and gluten. They produce it in a GMP-certified and NSF-approved facility to ensure its quality and purity.

Nutrivein Premium Berberine HCL

Nutrivein berberine offers 1200 mg of berberine hydrochloride per serving, a form of berberine that has been vastly studied to be the most effective at absorption. Their capsules are vegan-friendly and easy to swallow. They manufacture it in GMP-certified, and FDA-registered facilities. A third-party tests quality, purity, and reliability.

Horbaach Berberine Supplement

Horbaach’s Berberine supplement offers 500 mg of berberine content per capsule. Horbaach uses highly potent plants as a source of berberine and has received good feedback on their berberine supplement, aiding its users in weight loss, PCOS, and regulating cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is made in a GMP-certified facility that is also third-party tested before distribution to ensure quality and reliability.

Plantvital Berberine High-Potency Supplement

Plantvital Berberine aims at believing high results and efficiency and thus offers an unusual amount of 1200 mg of berberine content per capsule. This berberine supplement helps enhance your immunity by balancing alkalinity. Moreover, it promotes a healthier digestive system and aids its consumers in bloating and weight management. Plantivitals’ do not have artificial preservatives and additives. They manufacture it in GMP-certified, and FDA-registered facilities. A third-party tests quality, purity, and reliability.

We Like Vitamins Berberine Supplement

We Like Vitamins Berberine Supplement provides a high dose of 1200 mg of berberine content per capsule, made from high-quality extract. This berberine supplement provides vegan-friendly capsules manufactured without GMOs, glucose, sugar, lactose, artificial flavors, and colors in FDA and GMP-registered facilities.

EzyAbsorb Berberine Supplement

EzyAbsorb Berberine supplement offers a 500 mg dose of berberine content in each of its vegan-friendly capsules, with 85% of it purely extracted from barberry. This berberine supplement contains a brown rice filler in its capsules. They manufacture it in GMP-certified, and FDA-registered facilities. A third-party tests quality, purity, and reliability.


Berberine is an herbal supplement. It helps relieve medical problems including regulating blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and aiding with weight loss and irritable bowel syndrome. A few side effects, such as mild stomach discomfort, cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. It is safe on its own and when used in conjunction with other medications. You need to consult your doctor if you take any other medication. Only when doctor has allowed you can consume the supplement with berberine.